
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
#111: Banned Book Madness
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Oh, this episode is PACKED full of goodies! We kick things off by discussing literature's evolution (or devolution) and why challenging fiction is necessary for the progression of art.
After all that, we go into the real topic of the day, banned books. We cover two lists. The first list is the top ten books currently banned or being boycotted in the United States. The second list is the top ten banned books of all time.
We spend most of our time on the first list which deals with many LGBTQ+ and racial issues. Specifically, and why most of these books are banned, is that many of these books on the list cover sexual topics that seem to be aimed at children and teenagers.
These are tough waters to navigate but we did our best in seeing both sides of the book banning issue.
You can check out our non-banned work or enter our Halloween Submission Period at www.drunkenpenwriting.com.
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Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
BOTM #11: The Sirens Of Titan
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
We discuss our August pick for book of the month, The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut. There are many sci-fi shenanigans to cover, but we also cover the book's essential themes: free will, religion, war, and loneliness.
This was a fun book to read and we highly recommend checking it out.

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
#110: Bird Is The Word
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
We begin the episode with our opinions on the Freewrite, a distraction-free writing apparatus that is sort of like a keyboard with a Kindle attached. After that, we get into a great discussion on the importance of word choices.
We use multiple examples from the work of famous authors to show how and why being purposeful with your word choices is so damn important. We offer the simplicity of Jk Rowling's word choices aimed at children, how Stephen King's word choices build unique characters, why Hemingway's work cannot be changed, and we end things by explaining the madness of James Joyce's Ulysses.
Check out our word choices at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
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Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
DBS #73: What Makes A Hero?
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
We start by discussing what a great show The Orville is. After that, we have a good conversation about what really makes a hero in fiction (or real life). We use examples from a bunch of superhero movies and comics, plus some other sources that exemplify what it truly means to be a hero.
Check out our work at www.drunkpenwriting.com
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Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
DBS #72: Do Audiobooks Count As Reading?
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
We start by discussing diversity in literary magazines and how the submission process can be unfair to some authors. After that, we talk about a poll we ran which showed that the majority of people (who follow us on Twitter) consider audiobooks to be the same as reading a book.
We break things down further and give our definitive opinions on the matter, factoring in things like visual impairment that doesn't allow one to read in the traditional sense, how one absorbs an audiobook compared to a written book, and how effort plays a role.
Once we settle that matter, we discuss the age-old question, book or movie? Which is better and why? We give many examples.
Check out our work at www.drunkenpenwriting.com

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
#109: Publishing Trends
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
We start things off with a comic book review for the first volume of Crossover by Donny Cates (if you want to skip straight to the main topic, the episode begins at 12:35). For the main topic of the day, we discuss publishing trends until Caleb loses his voice.
Check out our work at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
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And like us on Facebook @drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
#108: Drinking Wine And Talking Romance
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
We kick things off with a wine tasting inspired by the Prosseco N Prose Podcast. And you know what? It was alright!
After that, we get into the heart of things by discussing what goes into writing a good romance novel. Here's a hint, do the opposite of what we would do!
Be sure to listen to the Prosseco N Prose podcast and check out all the fun things Wendy and Amy are up to.
You can check out our work at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting where you can see pics from our wine tasting.
And be sure to like us on Facebook @drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
DBS #71: We Try To Get Cancelled
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Oh, fudge. There's a lot to unpack in this episode. We start things off with Caleb reading an excerpt from his most recent story submission failure. Then we get into a discussion about writing and reading children's books and YA books.
After that, we really go into this weeds and spend the rest of the show ranting about fake woke people, cancel culture, bad conservative comedy, and the importance of freedom of speech.
Check out our work at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook @drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
#107: Caleb Flaps His Gums About Aesthetics
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Caleb is alone in today's episode and uses the opportunity to ramble about aesthetics in literature. He talks about the romance period writers, the beauty in the language used by authors such as James Joyce and Professor Tolkien, and why he feels that contemporary writers should focus more on aesthetics in their work.
If you want to check out our work, head to www.drunkenpenwriting.com
You can also follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook @drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
DBS #70: Push It To The Limit!
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
We open things up by discussing how we dislike this new Hollywood trend of making villains likable or turning classic bad guys into anti-heroes. After that, we have a long conversation about the pitfalls of becoming a writer.
The central ideas we discuss are the importance of effort, improving as a writer, and why it's more important to finish work as opposed to simply showing up and hoping for the best.
You can check out our work at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
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And like us on Facebook @drunkenpenwriting