
Tuesday May 18, 2021
#80: Forgotten And Future Classic Books
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
We start the cold open off with an announcement! Then we spend the first half of the episode talking about forgotten books that were once considered classics but are now bargain bin books.
The second half of the episode is about what modern books and authors might be considered classic literature in 100 or more years in the future.
Check out our work at www.drunkepenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday May 11, 2021
DBS #43: Books, Writing, And Japanese Fiction
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
During the cold open, Spencer gives us his mini-review of Stephen and Owen King's co-written novel, Sleeping Beauties. After that, we get into a mix of reading and writing talk.
We discuss some words we avoid using in our writing, and then the conversation morphs into narration styles and storytelling techniques that bug us. We end things by talking about what we want to read next for the podcast and get into a conversation about Japanese authors.
If you want to check out our work, head on over to www.drunkenpenwriting.com
You can follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
Caleb's Twitter @calebjames1986
Follow our Instagram page @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday May 04, 2021
#79: Drinking With Hemingway
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
In this episode, we discuss the new Ken Burns PBS documentary on Ernest Hemingway. We cover some of the wild parts of his life, what made him the writer (and drinker) he was, and what we could take away from his writing style.
We also go over his writing process and how he compares to that of Hunter S. Thompson.
You can check out our fiction at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
DBS #42: Cyberpunk And Porn
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
This episode is 100% NSFW and also, it's probably not our best. We start off harmless enough by discussing dumb TikTok trends and whatnot.
Eventually, we do get into the supposed topic at hand and talk about some awesome cyberpunk books. But we get derailed numerous times talking about how stupid we find certain porn genres/tropes to be. In fact, we struggle to stay on topic for most of the episode, which is why it's a Drunken Bullshit Episode!

Monday Apr 19, 2021
#78: Should You Quit Your Job To Write Full-time?
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
In the cold open Caleb shares some quick news about a project. Then we discuss some of our personal pet peeves when dealing with book, anime, manga, and comic book snobs.
After that, we get into the meat of the episode and have a long talk about what it takes to quit your day job to become a full-time writer. We don't pull any punches here and give you the harsh reality of what it'll take to make that dream a reality.
You can find the original article we used, written by Spencer, at https://drunkenpenwriting.com/2017/09/04/10-questions-you-must-ask-yourself-before-quitting-your-day-job-to-become-a-full-time-writer/
You can also follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
DBS #41: Indie Authors And Story Titles
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
We open the episode by announcing the books we've chosen for Indie April. We read the descriptions of the books and where you can find the authors. We also give you a handy tip in regards to Amazon book reviews.
After that, we get into the episode. Though, it really isn't much of an episode. We simply discuss book and story titles and what we think makes for a good or bad title. We also give plenty of examples of good titles.
Here is the list of our Indie April books:
Ballad of the Dead: A Modern Fairy Tale by D.N. Moore - Twitter is @therealdnmoore
No More Tales To Tell by Thomas Muller - Twitter is @ThomasM20073887
Feminine Shades by Tracey Chizoba Fletcher - Twitter is @zobafletcher
Life of Maggot by Paul Jameson - Twitter is @Modquokka
Neon Druid: An Anthology of Urban Celtic Fantasy edited by I.E. Kneverday - Twitter is @kneverday

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
DBS #40: DPW Is Back!
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Guess who's back... back again! DPW's back. Tell a friend!
We open the episode with our mini-review of the hit anime Attack On Titan. After that, we discuss in detail Caleb's recent ordeal with covid-19, how it derailed DPW, and how it almost landed him and his fiance in the hospital.
Then we talk at length about indie publishing, traditional publishing, the different types of readers, and what we think of people who brag about not reading. We end things by discussing the importance of getting your kids interested in reading and how the public school system absolutely fails at turning kids into readers.
If you want to check out our fiction, head on over to www.drunkenpenwriting.com
You can also follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
IRC #7: Jerusalem Part One
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
A new Inebriated Reading Challenge? We know not a single person in the world asked us to do this, but here we are! We're reading the girthy hunk of chunk known as Jerusalem by Alan Moore.
Will we go mad reading all 1266 pages? Will us reviewing this book cause the end of the world like Mr. Moore wishes? You'll just have to listen and find out!
In this first episode, we discuss the 40-page prelude and the writing style of Alan Moore. We plan to cover longer sections in future episodes as not to have this series go on until the legit end of the world.
Check out our fiction, which is slightly less crazy than that of Alan Moore, by going to www.drunkenpenwriting.com
You can follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting and Caleb @Calebjames1986
Follow us on Instagram @drunkenpenwriting and Caleb @Calebjames1986
And be sure to like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting
You can also like Caleb's author page at www.facebook.com/calebjamesk

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
#77: Are We Finished?
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Caleb opens the podcast by talking about his new bidet, because why not start things off in the toilet? After that, we discuss the two most important things writers need to do to become successful.
We also go over our failures and the things, or bad habits, that cause us not to finish projects. We end the episode by coming up with a new type of editing software aimed at the "woke" audience.
Check out our fiction at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting and @calebjames1986
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting and @calebjames1986
And like our page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting
You can also check out Caleb's author page at www.facebook.com/CalebJamesK

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
#76: Terrible Writing Advice You Should Ignore
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
This is a wonderful episode! We start off by discussing the problems with the introductions at the beginning of books. Then we get into a list of terrible writing advice and why we think the tips are so terrible. We also talk about certain Twitter writing drama, the Nobel Prize in Literature, and even briefly discuss the history of language in modern Japan and how it and their culture correlates to a specific writing style.
If you want to check out our fiction, head on over to www.drunkenpenwriting.com
You can also follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting