
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
#75: Writing Talk With Author Benjamin Cross
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
We're joined by archeologist and author Benjamin Cross to talk about his new novel, Colony. But that's not all! We discuss a whole litany of topics.
Benjamin tells us what it's like to use his archeology background to help shape the world of Colony as well as how it helped with forming a more realistic setting for his horror thriller. We also discuss his writing process and how it has evolved over the years, the trials of getting his first novel published including working with literary agents and editors for the first time, and how he has been able to build up his social media following and the importance that has with book sales.
We also touch on book reviews, creating characters, and the importance of pacing. There's a lot of great stuff in this one!
You can find Benjamin and his work at:
Twitter @BenCross_author
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/benjamincross.author/
And on Instagram @benjamincross.author
And on Goodreads at https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56807194-colony

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
BOTM #8: Casino Royale
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
In today's episode, we're joined by Ash from the Ear Read This Podcast to discuss the James Bond book and movie franchises. We get a bit cheeky as we go over some of the more... erm... erotic aspects of James Bond and the kinky weirdness of the creator, Ian Fleming.
We also talk about the nature of genital torture as well as why we think Sir Christopher Lee is more of a badass than Ian Fleming.
Be sure to check out the Ear Read This Podcast for great episodes about classic literature.
You can also check out our fiction by heading on over to www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
DBS #39: Books, Movies, And Prostitutes
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
We start the episode by discussing which one of Stephen King's stories was the most gruesome. After that, we have a short brainstorm session with one of Spencer's story ideas.
We also discuss some books we're currently reading or want to read, we break down some of the pros and cons of traditional publishing, and at some point, we talk about prostitution and why it should be legal.
Check out our new stories at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Friday Feb 05, 2021
BOTM #7: Slaughterhouse-Five
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
We open to a dire situation as Caleb reveals that his clone, Caleb 2, has escaped confinement and is now on the loose.
After all that, we discuss our double Book of the Month. We go over the novel Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut and the graphic novel adaptation by Ryan North. And in our opinion, both are five-star reads!
You can check out our work on www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
#74: To BS Or Not To BS?
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
We talk about boobs in the cold open. Not sure why or how we got on the subject, but sometimes these things can't be helped. Once we get into the episode, though, we begin a long discussion on how to bullshit your way through a story. More specifically, how to handle science (and magical) elements in your story. Do you play it safe and give sparse details on, say, space travel? Or do you go into great detail and describe how the ship is able to reach warp speed?
Caleb ends the episode by revealing his clone on air. Fun is had by all.
Check out our work at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
DBS #38: New Year New Me
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
If you want a coherent, normal episode, this isn't the one for you. We're all over the place as we discuss a wide range of topics. Enjoy the insanity!
Check out our work at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
#73: The Elements Of Crafting A Good Story
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
We discuss the many elements and writing techniques that go into telling a good story. The main things we cover are setting, character, plot, and narration style.
We also talk about formatting and experimental story layouts.
If you want to read our fiction, head on over to www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
#72: The Big Fantasy Talk
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Caleb opens up the episode by telling us how he almost accidentally killed himself in the gym. Then we get into the heart of the matter with a great conversation about fantasy stories.
We discuss why we don't read a lot of fantasy, what would make us read more fantasy, and what elements we want or don't want in our fantasy stories. We also talk a bit about fantasy movies, tabletop games such as Dungeons and Dragons, RPG video games, and Magic the Gathering.
You can check out our work at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
If you have any suggestions for fantasy novels that you think we would like to read, hit us up at
Twitter @drunkpenwriting
Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
DBS #37: 2020 Reading Recap
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
After a bit of pure nonsense, we go over the books we've read this past year. Then we look to the future and what we plan on reading in 2021.
Check us out at www.drunkenpenwriting.
Follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
#71: Why Do People Like Heroes And Adventure Stories?
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
We start the episode by talking about our awful writing output and cool narrative structures. Then we get into an open discussion on why we think people are so drawn to heroes and stories about overcoming obstacles.
We also discuss the adventure story and why we think people like reading about epic adventures that could never really happen but wish would.
Check out our work on www.drunkenpenwriting.com
You can follow us on Twitter @drunkpenwriting
On Instagram @drunkenpenwriting
And be sure to like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/drunkenpenwriting