
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
DBS #9: What We Hate About Comic Book Culture
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
In this episode, we have a great discussion about the current state of comic book and media consumption culture. Unfortunately, our audio got a little screwy on this episode, so we went ahead and made it a DBS episode rather than a normal one. Though, we think you'll really enjoy the conversation regardless.
We really go deep into why critique culture is bad and how alienating potential fans has created a toxic environment online.
You can check out the article this episode is based on by going to https://drunkenpenwriting.com/2019/06/19/5-reasons-i-hate-comic-book-culture/

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
#27: Quick Ways To Defeat Writer's Block
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
In this episode, we discuss some quick ways to overcome writer's block and get your creativity flowing again. We also go over what traps we personally fall into and what we do or should do to get back on the creative path.
If you want to check out the article that inspired this episode, you can give it a read at https://drunkenpenwriting.com/2018/05/07/writing-quick-tips-how-to-defeat-writers-block/

Friday Jul 05, 2019
IRC #4: House Of Leaves Ending
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
We have reached the end of House of Leaves and couldn't be happier to be rid of this doorstop. Come listen as we share our gripes about the book, as well as go over the things (as few as they may be) that we actually liked about it.
We also discuss a bunch of things unrelated to the book and end the episode by trying (and failing) to come up with the next book we want to cover. As a warning, things get pretty noisy and random at the end of the episode, but by that point, we have already finished discussing House of Leaves. So feel free to dip our early if the ruckus is too much for your delicate sensibilities.
If you have any book suggestions, feel free to contact at drunkenpenwriting@gmail.com or hit us up on Twitter @drunkpenwriting.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
#26: Brainstorming Extravaganza!
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Spencer wants to write a novel! In this episode, we come up with some possible ideas for a novel Spencer wants to write. Then we brainstorm some ideas for our short stories we're currently working on.
Of course, it wouldn't be a Drunken Pen Writing episode if we didn't go completely off the rails a few times.
If you want to check out our fiction you can head on over to www.drunkenpenwriting.com

Friday Jun 28, 2019
IRC #3: House Of Leaves Part Three
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
As we near the end of House of Leaves, we dive deeper into the madness of the novel and breakdown all the crazy we've experienced thus far. We also give our harsh criticisms of what has so far turned out to be an underwhelming read.
We apologize if Ashleigh's audio sounds off in this episode. Like the typical drunkards we are, we forgot to plug his mic into the mixer. We promise that next week's episode will have much better audio quality.

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
#25: Facing Rejection And Fighting Imposter Syndrome
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
In this episode, we get serious (at least for us) and tackle two things all writers experience at some point in their careers. That's right, we're talking about how to face rejection and fight off imposter syndrome.
We give tips on how to deal with getting rejected and some ways to overcome it. Then we discuss imposter syndrome and why you shouldn't let it screw up your writing. Somebody call Dr. Phil because we're dishing out all kinds of advice today!
To check out our non-podcast stuff, head on over to www.drunkenpenwriting to see what we're up to.

Friday Jun 21, 2019
IRC #2: House Of Leaves Part Two
Friday Jun 21, 2019
Friday Jun 21, 2019
In part two of our House of Leaves Inebriated Reading Challenge, we go into what we like and dislike so far about the book. We also break down the author's writing style and formatting decisions.
There's also plenty of classic DPW nonsense for you to laugh at even if you aren't or haven't yet read the book. Despite the book's tone, we keep things light and fun.
To check out our fiction, head on over to www.drunkenpenwriting.com for plenty of great, and free, content from your favorite drunks.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
#24: Sci-Fi Madness
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
In this episode, we discuss the 7 tips on how to write sci-fi by science fiction author Max Barry. We break down his tips and go over how we would do things. Then we go over the types of genre fiction we need to start reading and how the tips previously discussed fit into all types of novel writing.
If you want to check out Max's article, you can go to https://io9.gizmodo.com/how-to-write-a-great-science-fiction-novel-in-7-easy-st-1565393502 and follow along.

Friday Jun 14, 2019
IRC #1: House Of Leaves Part One
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
In our first IRC (Inebriated Reading Challenge) episode we read the cult classic, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.
Mr. Ashleigh Hatter, the expert in weird fiction himself, joins Caleb James for this new weekly reading episode where they'll be discussing their progress of the book and break down all the weird ass things that happen in this novel. Though, novel might be a generous title for what this is.
If you are interested in reading the book, this is the perfect jumping on point as the guys spend the episode introducing the work, author, and discussing what they hope to get out of House of Leaves.
Years ago, when House of Leaves was first being passed around, it was nothing more than a badly bundled heap of paper, parts of which would occasionally surface on the Internet. No one could have anticipated the small but devoted following this terrifying story would soon command. Starting with an odd assortment of marginalized youth -- musicians, tattoo artists, programmers, strippers, environmentalists, and adrenaline junkies -- the book eventually made its way into the hands of older generations, who not only found themselves in those strangely arranged pages but also discovered a way back into the lives of their estranged children.
Now, for the first time, this astonishing novel is made available in book form, complete with the original colored words, vertical footnotes, and newly added second and third appendices.
The story remains unchanged, focusing on a young family that moves into a small home on Ash Tree Lane where they discover something is terribly wrong: their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.
Of course, neither Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Will Navidson nor his companion Karen Green was prepared to face the consequences of that impossibility, until the day their two little children wandered off and their voices eerily began to return another story -- of creature darkness, of an ever-growing abyss behind a closet door, and of that unholy growl which soon enough would tear through their walls and consume all their dreams.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
#23: Gettin' Nasty With Fine Literature
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Holy Moly Donut Shop! We actually stayed on topic this episode. That's a new record for us. And that topic is fine literature. Mainly classic literature. But if you think this episode is going to be a bit dry, you're completely wrong!
We wax philosophical on the classics, what makes for good literary fiction versus pretentious modern art BS, and what work we recommend to those who are interested in checking out literary fiction but don't know where to start. We even bring up comics without going into a full-blown comic book discussion.
Side note: we weren't drunk in this episode which may have contributed to the rise in quality.
If you want to check out OUR fiction, head on over to www.drunkenpenwriting.com and see what we've been up to.